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Here are some larger villas.

Karon villas for rent

Karon Beach is home to a diversity of attractions that will appeal to all villa travellers - snorkeling, diving, shopping, dining, sightseeing and nightlife revelry awaits!

From your Karon villas, make your way to Karon Centre, a small city abuzz with bustling shops and dining options. Karon Market, located in the heart of Karon Beach within the grounds of the temple, is also worth a visit. Twice weekly, the grounds transforms into a lively marketplace filled with stalls hawking a variety of products and local Thai street food, and offers foreign visitors with a glimpse into the local culture.

Travellers with a love of water sports can make their way to the southern end of the beach, for it hosts excellent snorkeling and diving spots. When night falls, take a stroll down to Luang Poh Chuan Road and explore its diverse array of restaurants and nightspots.